Whip Rule Compliance
The Trainers & Drivers Association is pleased to advise that we have been asked to pass on commendation and thanks to our members from both the RIU and the JCA, for their overall acceptance of the new whip rules.
Whilst, understandably, there has been the odd teething issue with some drivers who have been asked to change the habits of decades in a matter of weeks, these have been far less than the ‘powers that be’ had anticipated. These days, it really is very noticeable when somebody isn’t complying with the new standard.
To their credit, their actions have, in the main, been targeted towards education as opposed to punishment, and this has reaped obvious rewards for both parties. Along with the dropping of automatic fines for first time infringement offences, it is hoped that we have welcomed in a new era of co-operation and the need to work in unison for the sake of our Industry.
It's not often that drivers in general receive blanket praise, so it’s a well done to all!
Pete Cook