The Addington Myth

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The Addington Myth

NZ Harness Trainers & Drivers Assn
Published by Pete Cook in News · Thursday 05 May 2022 ·  1:30
For decades now, I’m sure you’ve all heard the claim by some trainers that they go too fast at Addington, so we don’t line up there. In fact, it’s been discussed (and disputed) at a number of horseman’s meetings that I’ve attended. So instead of just accepting it as gospel, perhaps it would pay to have a look at the times they were running at Rangiora last Sunday.

The two maiden mobile heats of the Anne Thompson Memorial were won in 3.15.3 & 3.14.6 for the 2600 metres. Let’s face it, that’s flying for non-winners, but having had a look back, the times are either the equivalent, or even faster, than those recorded by the same grade of horse at Addington.
Standing starts are just the same, with the lower grade 2600 metre at Rangiora run in 3.17.6 Compare that to Himself’s’ win on 3 March won in 3.22.1, nearly four seconds slower, and for a higher stake. Of course, like any race, the time is affected by the way the race is run, but to rant on about how hard it is to win at Addington because they go too fast is just plain rubbish.
Of course, the underlying fact behind all this, is that winning any race in the Canterbury region is pretty hard, however let’s not avoid racing on the best track in New Zealand based on a myth.
Pete Cook

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