Swings and Roundabouts

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Swings and Roundabouts

NZ Harness Trainers & Drivers Assn
Published by Pete Cook in News · Thursday 02 Jun 2022 ·  1:30
In some circles, the lack of New Zealand representation at the upcoming Queensland carnival has been looked at as a disappointment. However, those who have local racing at heart and don’t particularly care what happens elsewhere, along with the powers that be in HRNZ, should be thrilled.

The new calendar, which placed the Auckland carnival in the Autumn following the Race, has seen not only a couple of Australian horses over here for a change, but has made sure our best pacers do their racing here, instead of tripping overseas. Having lined up on a number of occasions in April and May, they are all looking for a Winter break, instead of heading for the warmer climes across the ‘deetch’. In other words, exactly the result the rescheduling was aiming for.
Not only that, but all those horses should be ready and raring to go in the Spring, when traditionally, the major Clubs have struggled to get fields for that grade off the ground.
You only have to look at the fixed odds market for the NZ Cup to make the mouth water at the possible clashes we can anticipate. How does a field containing Self Assured, Spankem, Copy That, Kango, Krug, South Coast Arden, Pembrook Playboy, Hot and Treacherous, Cranbourne and Laver sound? And that’s not even taking into account the others that are bubbling under, the likes of Bad To The Bone, Heza Sport and The Falcon.
Surely HRNZ can justifiably claim some sort of victory for their initiative here. Sorry Queensland.
Pete Cook

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