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NZ Harness Trainers & Drivers Assn
Published by Pete Cook in News · Thursday 24 Nov 2022 ·  1:45
Having spent considerable time dealing with texts, emails and phone calls dealing with a couple of issues (yes there is more going on than the disqualified person controversy) over the past few days, I feel I’m entitled to a bit of a rant.

It never fails to astound me how little some people in the Industry know about how it works. I’m still hearing that some don’t realise that wagering turnover is directly responsible for stake levels, they have this vision of a tree behind the HRNZ office, on which money grows. Slightly less obvious, but equally important, is a lack of knowledge of how the governing body functions and the guidelines that it is bound to follow. Allow me to offer a much-abbreviated summary of the facts. HRNZ is an ‘Incorporated Society’ which means it has to have a Constitution. This legal document decrees that there are two sets of guidelines that must be followed, Rules and Regulations. While the latter can be adjusted at any time by the governing Board, it is a different story with the Rules. The only way that Rules can be changed is by a remit being voted on by either an Annual Conference of Clubs and Kindred Bodies (including the Trainers & Drivers) which happens once a year or, on special occasions, a Special General Meeting.

Consequently, as I poured through the myriad of words that have passed me, there were two things that took my attention in regards to the above. Initially it was alleged that the HNRNZ Board had, on 7 November last, ratified a Rule change to facilitate their actions. Simply not possible.

However, before I’m inundated with more correspondence, I can advise that the Trainers & Drivers Assn. is working with HRNZ and their legal adviser to change the Rule to avoid a repetition of recent events.
Pete Cook

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