Northern Branch Annual General Meeting May 2022

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Northern Branch Annual General Meeting May 2022

NZ Harness Trainers & Drivers Assn
Published by Pete Cook/Dave Neal in News · Thursday 09 Jun 2022 ·  5:00
Chairman Jay Abernethy recently presided over the 68th edition of the Trainers & Drivers AGM in Pukekohe. Along with 18 license-holders, Karen Blanchard (ATC) and Catherine McDonald (HRNZ) were also in attendance.

Matters discussed included the state of the Alexandra Park track, with Derek Balle advising that there had been a shortage of shell in regards to maintaining the surface of the track, however some had been sourced and other avenues of supply were being investigated. Plans were afoot to re-instate the NI. Annual Awards dinner, and the junior driver’s series that had started this season was to be continued.

R Lawson addressed the meeting with a proposal regarding the future of Franklin Park and also the two racing venues of Alexandra Park and Cambridge. The current state of the industry in the North was of grave concern, and at current stake levels and operating costs was looking to be unsustainable for most trainers. It was inevitable that Franklin Park will be sold, and he proposed a single facility be established that would encompass the ATC and Cambridge. This of course would only go forward with the sale of these two venues as well. The meeting discussed the financial situation of the ATC as regards its debt levels and loan structures, and that the Branch was not actually totally aware of the actual situation. The Branch required an update and firm plans of what Auckland intended to do. Some more transparency from Auckland would be appreciated. Rising interest rates and the economy in general were also of concern as regards any debt levels held by the club. The meeting concurred that a large cash injection is required to reinvigorate, and ensure the sport in the North is maintained. Rob asked that his proposal be followed up on, and that a sub-committee be formed to do this. A motion that the Sub Committee consisting of Rob Lawson, Derek Balle, and Zachary Butcher was proposed and carried. The Secretary asked Rob if the proposal to sell Te Rapa and Cambridge, and establish a facility on land near to Cambridge, was still in the pipeline. He advised that he had withdrawn Cambridge from this proposal after it became apparent from plans drawn up, that the Club would be disadvantaged by the structure of the facility. Also, Te Rapa had no plans to sell their land in the near future.

Catherine MacDonald from HRNZ addressed the meeting and outlined some proposals for the future. They included HANDICAPS – that these should be reintroduced for big races, trotters & pacers e.g. NZ Cup, Rowe Cup, to try and even up the wagering and encourage more betting, which the meeting supported. There had been a mindset that the best horse should always win, but it had become apparent that this was stifling betting to some degree if they were always in a free for all situation. CAMBRIDGE – THE RACE – The meeting felt that HRNZ should support this concept and help the club to a greater extent next time. This suggestion would be taken back to HRNZ board. STAKE LEVELS – There was discussion on funding, and suggestions that Auckland & Cambridge required more help. It was proposed that all ATC Fridays be $15k and Premiers $20k. Cambridge should also be $15k on a Friday. There was also discussion surrounding dates and race times. It was felt that Clubs had lost a lot of control with Tabcorp dictating race times, which were not always to their benefit. This would relate back to turnover, and create a Catch 22 situation regarding getting more dates. The stake levels proposal was to be taken back to HRNZ board. AUCKLAND CUP CARNIVAL – Discussion ensued on this being moved from the new year date. The meeting was unanimous that this should not have happened and that it was a knee jerk reaction to the new season, and what some thought would happen with open class horses. Apart from some age group races which required adjusting with the new season dates, the major carnivals should have been left at least for one year, to see how horse numbers panned out. The advice that had been received regarding this, with no input from the North, had created animosity. The meeting advised Catherine MacDonald that large scale changes such as this should be more carefully planned and the input should be from those directly involved. The ATC has lost a lot of revenue as a result of this, and it needs to be rectified. This would be taken back to HRNZ Board. COUNTRY CUPS CHAMPIONSHIP – It was felt that the North should have its own series & final. DRIVING FEES – meeting discussed this issue and was unanimous that an increase is required immediately. Rob Lawson advised that there should have been an increase some time ago, and the level was supposed to be reviewed on an annual basis. The cost of living as regards travel, petrol etc. has gotten well ahead of what is needed and an increase is required. Jay Abernethy was to contact P Cook and attempt to get other branch feedback for a letter to go to the HRNZ July Board meeting.

Jay thanked C MacDonald for her attendance.

Dave Neal/Pete Cook


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