Murray Edmonds

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Murray Edmonds

NZ Harness Trainers & Drivers Assn
Published by Pete Cook in News · Friday 02 Sep 2022 ·  1:30
It’s common to hear harness racing participants talk about how they enjoy interaction with the ‘people’ involved in the game. Obviously as in all walks of life there are the good and the not so good, although in my experience the former far outweigh the latter and very often, the not so good ones don’t stick around long.
One that fit’s very much in the good category is long time trainer/driver Murray Edmonds, who sadly has recently suffered, entirely out of the blue, a life changing health issue. Apparently, a number of other ‘good’ people have jumped to the rescue and helped out with the continued running of the stable, which is fairly typical of the harness racing fraternity. However, not content with that, friends and relatives quickly arranged a fund-raising dinner at the races on Thursday 22 September, which is already sold out!
More than 300 people have bought tickets, with tables of ten selling for $650. The evening will also feature raffles and auctions, with proceeds going to the Edmonds family.
"It says so much about our sport that so many people want to help out one of our own who is going through tough times," says one of the organisers, Stevie Golding, "the amount of support has been overwhelming."
Anyone who has missed out on the dinner or would like to contribute further to Murray and his family can still do so at ANZ 06 0851 0495283 00.

For more information or to donate goods for the auction please contact
Pete Cook

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