Misleading Whip Video

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Misleading Whip Video

NZ Harness Trainers & Drivers Assn
Published by Pete Cook in News · Friday 05 May 2023 ·  2:15
At a recent hearing over whip use concerning visiting Australian driver Shannon O’Sullivan, there were some revealing statements.

First of all, John Dunn, who was representing her, ‘pointed out that it was difficult for the Respondent coming from Australia to adjust to this country’s Whip Rules and Guidelines. She has not had a lot of drives to enable her to adjust.’
Later in the proceedings, we are advised that the Adjudicative Committee elects to impose a 3-days suspension, taking into account the Respondent’s status as a Junior Driver and the fact that she is soon to return to Australia, and it would be a pity to deprive her of too many driving opportunities while she is here. She is clearly struggling with this country’s Whip Regulations.'

There are two points of interest in those statement, particularly the second one. Here is an employee of the racing Integrity Board (all now part of the same organisation as the Stipendiary Stewards) suggesting that the Whip Regulations in this Country are different to our Tran-Tasman neighbours. I find that a little odd, as at the meeting I attended when the new regulations were being discussed, one of the selling points was that they would bring us into line with Australian Rules, to avoid a couple of incidents when visiting drivers were penalised for doing what they were used to. Also, the video that was originally shown to drivers here, was of a guy sitting behind a horse at Menangle.
The second point of interest is, that if our regulations are different, which in fact, apart from the ones banning the crossing of the reins they aren’t, why does the latest video show Australian drivers and not local ones?
At the meeting between the Trainers & the RIB management earlier this year, it was strongly stressed that there were issues surrounding the policing of the Rules, however the new video makes no mention or indication of this whatsoever.
Judging by the large number of drivers still being fined and/or suspended since the video was posted, it would have to be described as an epic fail. The RIB has been contacted on these points, but, as yet, no response has been forthcoming.
Pete Cook

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