Licence Renewal

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Licence Renewal

NZ Harness Trainers & Drivers Assn
Published by Harness Racing New Zealand in News · Friday 14 Jun 2019 ·  1:15
Your licence is now due for renewal (by 30 June) and can be renewed online via your "My HRNZ" login through HRNZ's website.
Forms will only be sent to people who are not registered for My HRNZ.

Colours are also due for renewal for the next three years to 31 July 2022 and can be renewed online at the same time as your licence.

Mobile phone users should download the HRNZ Infohorse app from the App Store or Google Play to renew their licence via their My HRNZ login.

Medical forms can be found in the Drivers' Forms section. If you are unable to print a form to take to your Doctor, please contact the undersigned.

NZRB Youth Subsidy - free licence fees ending 30 June 2019
The subsidy from the NZ Racing Board which has provided free licence fees if you are 30yrs and younger is coming to an end and you must renew by 30 June if you wish to receive the free licence fees.

Forgot username or password - there is a forgot password option when you go to "My HRNZ login."

If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact:

Maria Harris
Licensing Secretary | Harness Racing New Zealand
Ph 03 964-1200 – Ext 813 | Free phone 0508 427 637

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