Club Initiatives

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Club Initiatives

NZ Harness Trainers & Drivers Assn
Published by Pete Cook in News · Friday 20 Sep 2019 ·  1:00

Congratulations and thanks to two Canterbury clubs who made good decisions in the past week or so.
First, and most importantly, the Methven and Ashburton clubs for getting together for the good of the Industry and transferring last Sundays meeting from one venue, that was unusable due to weather, to another. Obviously the change from grass to all weather didn’t suit all horses, but at least they got a run, and stake-money was distributed to all participants. The only black spot was the problem with the alcohol license, which resulted in a rather farcical situation.

The other positive were the functions staged by the NZ Metropolitan Club, inviting trainers to a convivial evening at a couple of popular watering holes. A fine gesture, one that was appreciated by all those who attended.
These are small things in the overall scheme of things, but when there is a lot of negativity about, it is good to experience sectors of the Industry working together to make it work.
Pete Cook

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