2021 Annus Interesting

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2021 Annus Interesting

NZ Harness Trainers & Drivers Assn
Published by Pete Cook in News · Thursday 23 Dec 2021 ·  1:30
No, that’s not a typo for a word meaning something very different, it’s Latin for ‘year’. Whether you like or approve of the new regime that took over HRNZ this time last year, no one can accuse them of sitting on their hands. Having had numerous dealings with Gary Woodham and Catherine McDonald throughout the year, they have certainly lived up to their promise of introducing major changes. In fact, when they arrived some of the matters they have dealt with weren’t even on the table.

When you consider they have changed the way the racing season is structured, sorted out the mammoth task of rejigging the racing calendar, changed a number of handicapping and Junior Driver conditions, introduced a Code of Conduct and new starting regulations, and that’s only the major items. Happily, before acting on their proposals they have included either some or all of the Trainers & Drivers representatives, depending on areas of expertise and regional issues.
When you add that to the chaos of the pandemic and its’ many challenges, I think it’s fair to say that the Industry has been well served, and while time will tell whether what has been done has reversed what was an undoubtedly slippery slope, at least doing nothing hasn’t been an option.
On behalf of the Association, have a great holiday period and plenty of winners.
Pete Cook

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