‘Harness Racing Unhinged’
I’m one those old ‘fuddy duddys’ who doesn’t live on social media. The idea of telling the World what I had for dinner, or signing up for ‘influencers’, and being advised what to wear or how I should behave, doesn’t really appeal.
Consequently, it’s taken me a while to catch up with arguably the best harness racing site, aside from HRNZ, on offer on the internet. Thanks to the tireless efforts and boundless enthusiasm of Nigel Armstrong, www.facebook.com/harnessracingunhinged/ succeeds in capturing what anyone involved in the game will admit is part of the attraction, atmosphere and the people.
There are interviews and profiles of people who normally operate under the radar, and the results are usually entertaining, if not slightly ‘unhinged’. Nigel tells me he is learning things he had no idea about by talking to these participants, and I dare say the same would apply to the majority of young, and maybe not so young, people in harness racing.
Take a look, it’s updated every Addington meeting.
Pete Cook